बांगनापल्ले आंबा 3 - 3.5 किलो
बांगनापल्ले आंबा ही भारतातील आंध्र प्रदेश राज्यातील कुर्नूल जिल्ह्यातील बंगानापल्ले येथे उत्पादित केलेली आंब्याची जात आहे. राज्याच्या एकूण आंब्याच्या लागवडीयोग्य क्षेत्रापैकी ७०% टक्के क्षेत्र हे एकट्याने व्यापलेले आहे आणि प्रथम बाणगनपल्लीच्या शेतकऱ्यांनी त्याची ओळख करून दिली.
बॉक्सचे वजन अंदाजे 3KG आहे आणि ते अतिशय दर्जेदार आहे
टीप - वजन हे बॉक्सचे वजन आहे
sameena taz chittoor The package had some other type of mangoes which were not Banganapalle, those were not good and sweet at all
Shraddha Gurram Very authentic taste .
m y was worried how they taste, and wether they would be banginapalli or something else, because of price. Others selling them for £21-£22 for 3kg box. But they are banginapalli and so sweet, as soon as I received the parcel, opened and couldn't wait after seeing them. kids also loved. the quantity is also good than elsewhere and price is unbeatable.
Ashish Khera Banganapalle Mango 3Kg-3.5Kg